Power BI

Control your company's finances with the most popular self-service Business Intelligence system.


Connect to hundreds of data sources and analyze them in real time. Create attractive reports, publish and share online for easy, secure acess on both desktop and mobile devices.

Quick access to predefined reports

Thanks to Power BI's high computing capabilities and an efficient data storage model, all operations are performed in a flash.


View all data in one tool

Combine data from various sources, and access to information about customers, sales results or finances in one tool.


Online access to data & analytics

Enjoy reports and analysis anytime, anywhere, through applications for iOS, Windows and Android.


The right business decisions

Data analysis enables continuous monitoring of your company's condition and supports all decision-making processes.


Time and cost savings

Don't waste time downloading and combining data manually from different sources. Power BI does it automatically and presents data in the form of charts, reports and dashboards.


Data security

Your data is securely stored in the cloud or on local servers - and all connections to the platform are encrypted. You can also manage user rights in detail.


Why do we recommend Power BI?

Power BI is a best-in-class business intelligence solution that enables you to model and visualize data, as well as share detailed information within your organization. It’s highly useful, not least of all because reports can be embedded in applications or websites. Directly connect to hundreds of data sources and bring your data to life with rich dashboards and live reports.

All the power of Power BI, implemented with care!

Maciej Soporek
House of Champagne

"John Newton said – “I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see.” This quotation in a way reflects the change brought by Univio to House of Champagne in the area of acquired data and its analysis as well as the optimization of purchasing, sales and logistics processes."

Power BI
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Univio S.A. × Power BI

15 years

Official Microsof Gold Partner
Experts in Data Science
Customer orientation

Objective orientated

We understand your data analysis requirements and can implement solutions to address all needs in your organization.

Complete E2E process

We will advise, design, implement, maintain and further develop the system to your growing needs.

A team of qualified experts

Our competencies include the likes of Data Science, Big Data, Business Intelligence, Management and Economics.

Goals Achieved
/ with Power BI

Data Warehouse Deployment for Improved Analytics and Reporting


Streamlined data analysis process for the largest clothing chains for children and teenagers in Poland

<data.centralized>  <process.optimized>  <data.explored> 

Automating Seasonal Analytics for a Premium Fashion Brand


Streamlining analytical processes thanks to Power BI.

<money.saved>  <insights.gathered>  <industry.tailored> 


Reliable and Scalable Reporting Environment for Production in the Construction Industry

ViaCon Polska

For the market leader in steel pipe culverts and structural elements, we have modernized the reporting environment in Power BI.

<data.unfied>  <business.integrated>  <work.optimized> 

Sales & Product Analysis with Power BI

House of Champagne

A custom solution to enable and analyse sales across both B2B and B2C channels – resulting in a new level of insights and strategic options.

<efficiency.implemented>  <analytics.optimized>  <data.integrated> 

Our Solution
Your Success

Are you interested in this technology? Together, we can align Power BI with your objectives.