
Scalable and secure, Kentico is a fully customizable solution fit for any business challenge.


Kentico is more than just a Content Management System. It’s a complete Digital Experience Platform for adapting, integrating and improving a much wider range of business areas.

Complete tool

With the Kentico, your CMS, commerce and digital marketing functions can operate in one place.


Secure solution

As a self-reliant platform, it doesn’t utilise the typical plugins or components that create additional security risks.


Scalable platform

Whether its traffic peaks or balancing multiple markets, Kentico is scalable and accessible from one central panel.


In-depth digital marketing

Event sequencing, automation, personas, personalization and more – it's perfect for effective automated marketing activities at scale.


Fully customizable

Everything is possible in Kentico - we can customize it to fit your needs, from customers to personalization and business process.


Easy to integrate

A seamless solution for your third-party technology stack. You can easily integrate Kentico with systems like CRM, ERP and PIM.


Why do we recommend Kentico?

Kentico is an award-winning Digital Experience Platform and recognized as one of the best available marketing solutions. It enables building various sites, from self-service platforms, through to customer portals and advanced corporate websites. Thanks to the expanded functionalities of content management, scalability, and in-depth marketing support, it can meet the most demanding business requirements.

All the power of Kentico, implemented with care!


Univio S.A. × Kentico


Years using Kentico


Kentico Developer certifications


Kentico Marketer certifications

Fast implementation and launch

By implementing projects based on agile methodologies, we will quickly release the solution, meeting all the needs of your company.

Knowledge transfer and training

As a Kentico Bronze Partner, we’re supported by its technology experts to continually develop our knowledge, which we then share with our customers.

>25 years of experience

We have been carrying out digital projects since 1997. Based on our experience, we always offer our partners reliable and safe solutions.

Goals Achieved
/ with Kentico

Client Panel for Top Customer Service Standards


One of the leading real-estate developers in Poland turned to us with their need of an easy-to-use tool that would improve after-sales service.

<process.simplified>  <support.optimized>  <systems.integrated> 

Email Marketing Implementation for Greater Freedom & Faster Campaigns

Nest Bank

We helped client remove the reliance on third parties and quickly and efficiently manage e-mail marketing campaigns.

<time.saved>  <costs.reduced>  <limits.removed> 

Custom Web Portal for Updated Offer & Sales

Multimedia Polska

Univio provided company with sound IT infrastructure ensuring the flexibility and speed of assembling and adjusting custom offers.

<>  <business.enabled>  <costs.saved> 

Custom Web Portal for Improved Customer Experience

Nest Bank

A custom web portal for improved banking functionality and next-level customer experience. All of which lead to higher conversion rates.

<traffic.grown>  <UX.optimized>  <sales.improved> 

Our Solution
Your Success

Create engaging experiences and enhance business growth with Kentico. Based on the knowledge gained during many years of working with the platform, we will adapt it to the individual needs of your company. Let's talk about your project - write to us!