Migrating to Amazon RDS

Take advantage of Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) and simplify the processes of setting up, operating, and scaling your cloud database.

Amazon RDS offers a managed database service with support for engines such as MySQL, Oracle, MariaDB, SQL Server, and even PostgreSQL databases - it supports all the tools used in today’s database applications. 

Fast deployment

Cost-effectively deploy scalable servers within minutes with the ability to easily resize the virtual machine. 


Simple and easy solution

The service has an inexpensive and easy to resize capacity and controls all database management tasks, so you can focus on more pressing business issues.


Full control

You have complete control over the access and security of your instances, as well as an easy process for managing database backups and snapshots.


Automatic backup deployment

Amazon RDS also automatically backs up your database and upgrades to the latest version every time.



With Amazon Cloudwatch's available RDS monitoring features, all metrics about your RDS database instance are available at no additional charge. You can view key operational metrics directly in the AWS management console.


High level of security

The RDS service provides network isolation with Amazon VPC (virtual private cloud), encryption with keys that you create and control through the AWS Key Management Service (KMS). Data can also be encrypted during transfer using SSL.


Seamless availability

AWS provides a synchronous "backup" replica of each database in a different availability zones. Since both the database and its replica are synchronized, there is no chance of data loss.


Rapid storage options

Amazon RDS provides two storage options with SSD support for database instances. 


Backup and recovery

With Amazon RDS automated backup features, you can back up and recover your database instances to any point during specified storage periods. You can also manually initiate backups of your instances, and all of these backups will be stored by Amazon RDS until you delete them. 

As an APN Consulting Advanced Partner, Univio has been helping customers face common challenges to help them make the decision to move their business to the AWS cloud.

The Technologies
/ Behind Solution


More than 20 e-commerce solutions managed by Univio are running on public clouds.


For over 14 years, we’ve provided managed services in e-commerce for RTV Euro AGD –just one example of our long-term relationships.


10 certified experts are able to help you to design, implement and manage your AWS systems. We’ll keep your operations safe and hassle-free.
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Looking to lower costs, scale up and gain a flexible, future-facing solution? Let’s talk and head there together.

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