Intelligent OCR

Dedicated OCR for business automation. Scan documents, download the data and seamless integrate offline information into your digital systems.

By using smart optical character recognition software (OCR) you can effortlessly convert all manner of documents, such as invoices and forms, to required data formats for full information control and cohesion.

Automated document processing

Automated OCR software can process documents, photos and labels as fast as possible, greatly benefiting your data performance as a result.


Save time

OCR tools eliminate manual data input tasks, saving both time and money that can be better applied elsewhere.


Multiple formats supported

Process any type of document in different formats by accurately extracting text, tables, and other forms of data.


Reduce human error

With an automated OCR system, files can’t be lost or misplaced, signatures can’t be misplaced and records can’t be inconsistent.


Advanced technologies

The AI text recognition engine reduces the likelihood of errors while also streamlining the OCR process.


Tools tailored to your needs

We design OCR tools using both ready-made SAAS solutions (such as Amazon Textract) or completely dedicated solutions to best suit your individual needs.


Intelligent OCR – a quick way to optimize work.

In an era of digitization, organizations have an ever-increasing amount of digital documents to process, analyse and share. Many parts of this process, notably uploading manual files, extracting the data and uploading to the relevant IT systems, have a significant labor cost. Human error, likewise, can add some unexpected consequences along the way.

A professional OCR solution, however, takes these tasks on itself. Not only does this it prevent these risks, it provides a faster, scalable and automated solution that frees up human resources, keeping manual work to an absolute minimum.

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Your Success

Want to automate your documentation? Talk to us about implementing an OCR system to free your company from manual processes.