Case Studies / Univio.Commerce

Personalized Recommendations on a Global Scale


Multistore: 8 B2C Stores for Polish and Global Markets

<sales.simplified>  <recommendation.tailored>  <omnichannel.enabled>  

Modern B2B Platform Fully Tailored to Business Needs


Increase in users and online orders with new B2B portal.

<users.engaged>  <orders.increased>  <data.optimized>  

Fully Integrated Furniture Sales and Distribution in B2B Channels

Fabryki Mebli "FORTE" S.A

Automate sales in the B2B channel with a new platform and integration layer.

<revenue.grown>  <traffic.enabled>  <expansion.prepared>  

Unique Price Management System for B2B Trading Platform


B2B e-commerce platform with a unique price management system to support contractor operations.

<customers.reached>  <accounts.managed>  <users.enabled>  

198% Increase in Conversion Rate With New B2B Platform


The largest distributor and manufacturer of pneumatics has decided to open its sales to all companies and enterprises.

<commerce.transformed>  <conversion.increased>  <sales.increased>  

Dedicated Platform for Creating a Partner Network


An additional, cost-free sales channel - a modern B2B2C e-commerce system.

<system.implemented>  <platforms.integrated>  <products.supported>  

Dedicated E-Commerce B2B Platform


Supporting B2B orders with a multi-level, online platform for streamlined efficiency.

<sales.supported>  <process.digitilized>  <user.friendly>  

142% Increase in Revenue From Online Sales


We integrated a sales platform with SIG’s existing ERP system to better enable their 50 branches.

<prize.rewarded>  <sales.increased>  <customers.engaged >  

Developing a modern
e-store for a market-leading fashion brand for 150% growth acceleration

Top Secret

The aim of the project was to create a modern sales platform for a leading fashion brand.

<revenues.improved>  <orders.increased>  <sales.expanded>  

Starts Here

These are our past successes – but let’s look to the future! Together we can work on new innovations and solutions. Everything starts with a simple message

Contact us

<partnerships.forged> <success.enabled>