[EN] Retail

The retail market is changing. Online channels and solutions are paving the way forward. From shopper experience to product management, make your next digital step.


Smooth online shopping
Seamless deliveries & returns
Secure payments

Commerce Transformed / With Retail IT Services

Retail is all about convenience. Today, that means digital. Shoppers want 24/7 access, the ability to purchase with ease and the desire for a personal experience. Great customer service and hassle-free returns never hurts, either. It’s up to retailers to adapt to these increased demands and optimize all background operations or lose out to more agile and adaptable competitors.

Modern Challenges
Modern Solutions

Organizing many vendors, locations and distribution channels leads to unorganized information creep.


Centralize your operations with a core, integrated system to manage everything at once.


Want to integrate digital experiences and channels to support your retail stores?


From e-commerce platforms to digital apps and loyalty programs, we can add new innovations to your offer.


Need to cope with peak demands or changing seasonal trends?


Using the Cloud, serverless and scalable platforms, we can ensure you're dedicating resources exactly where needed.


Trying to engage with customers on a personal level online isn't as easy as in-store experiences.


With personalized data services, such as recommendation engines, a greater experience can even lead to additional sales.


Want to stand out, but don’t want to waste time?


Headless commerce, optimized architecture and smooth integrations can bring innovation faster than you think!


Need a more efficient way to manage price and stock management across multiple channels?


Automate stock/price server operations so both you and your customers have real-time information.


Thinking of expansion, but want the most painless path forward?


With omnichannel support and optimized platforms, adding new languages, currencies or digital channels is easy!

How to get ahead
/ with Retail

Supply & logistics integration
Optimize the relationship between suppliers, vendors and your internal ordering process.
Real-time product information
Let customers know exact stock figures and where they can pick up exact items.
360 customer analytics
Learn what drives sales and gain revenue-increasing insights through dashboards, customer intelligence, Machine Learning & more!

Defining Features
/ For Retail

With an increasing reliance on digital channels, customers expect more from even the most trusted brands. They expect a personalized offer, the ability to quickly find what they need and the option to engage with your store - even when the physical locations are closed. Convenience is a dominating factor for successful retail operations.

Loyalty programs
Collect additional customer data and use it to reward frequent shopping, as well as bridge both online & offline engagement.
Creating unique recommendations by analyzing shopper choices against historical data to generate additional sales.
Point of sale
The modern PoS is highly innovative. Shoppers want to shop on their own, so support them with an automated, self-service purchasing experience.
Online marketplaces
By combining third party vendors into one platform, everyone can gain. Not only do vendors make more sales, shoppers get a streamlined and convenient experience.

Unsere Erkenntnisse
/ Fallstudien

Modernes PIM für Drogerieketten – volle Kontrolle über Produktdaten


Super-Pharm führte das PIM-System ein, um das Produktdatenmanagement zu rationalisieren.

<integration.completed>  <errors.reduced>  <launch.accelerated> 

Entwicklung des Cross-border
E-Commerce auf dem italienischen Markt


Super-Pharm hat seine erste internationale Plattform erfolgreich gestartet und damit den Weg für eine weltweite Expansion geebnet.

<crossborder.enabled>  <interface.upgraded>  <compliance.achieved> 

Implementierung von Multishop: 8 B2C-Shops für den polnischen und ausländischen Markt


Implementierung von Multishop: 8 B2C-Shops für den polnischen und ausländischen Markt

<sales.simplified>  <customers.engaged>  <omnichannel.enabled> 

Personalisierte Empfehlungen auf globaler Ebene


Personalisierte Empfehlungen, die auf fortschrittlichen Algorithmen und Datenanalysen basieren, revolutionieren die globale Geschäftsentwicklung.

<business.expanded>  <recommendation.tailored>  <growth.enabled> 

Vorbereitung eines PIM für eine Einzelhandelskette in der Computerbranche


Unterstützung eines europäischen Einzelhändlers mit einem umfangreichen Multi-Channel-PIM.

<business.connected>  <data.standardized>  <risks.avoided> 

Multistore-Lösung für Cross-Border-Verkauf in der Outdoor-Branche


Eine E-Commerce-Plattform mit einem Multistore-Modul zur Entwicklung von Omnichannel- und grenzüberschreitenden Verkäufen.

<brands.enabled>  <customers.supported>  <process.optimized> 

Verbesserung von Analysen und Berichten durch die Einführung eines Data Warehouse  


Optimierter Datenanalyseprozess für die größten Bekleidungsketten für Kinder und Jugendliche in Polen

<data.centralized>  <process.optimized>  <data.explored> 

[EN] Increased Sales & Improved Shopping Experience


A new, innovative, reliable online store, one of the many sales channels for the leader of the electronics & household appliances industry in Poland.

<sales.transformed>  <system.optimized>  <platform.integrated> 

[EN] Integrating, Improving & Accelerating Key Systems


Solution integrating existing infrastructure and an employee database with a system for handling, planning and accounting for SAP Concur delegations.

<data.integrated>  <efficiency.implemented>  <solution.delivered> 

[EN] A Scalable Solution for B2B Sales

Daniella Villamosag

Implementation of a modern B2B system - the ONe platform, tailored to the needs of the company operating in the B2B sector.

<solution.implemented>  <service.optimized>  <sales.supported> 

[EN] Dedicated Platform for Creating a Partner Network


An additional, cost-free sales channel - a modern B2B2C e-commerce system.

<system.implemented>  <platforms.integrated>  <products.supported> 

[EN] Developing a modern
e-store for a market-leading fashion brand for 150% growth acceleration

Top Secret

The aim of the project was to create a modern sales platform for a leading fashion brand.

<revenues.improved>  <orders.increased>  <sales.expanded> 

[EN] Provision of an Effective Sales Service and Online Store Using AWS


Days such as Black Friday caused a heavy load on the servers that the website became unavailable. This put Lisbon at risk of losing revenue in the mos

<store.optimized>  <costs.reduced>  <availability.maintained> 

Retail is Ready for Innovation.
Are You?

A little digital transformation can bring big benefits. And it only takes a single message to get started - contact us today!
