Branchen: [EN] Transport

[EN] Mobile Application Based on React Native

Time & Cost Savings of Application Development
Fast & Efficient Process of Making Changes in the Application
Consistent Code for Android and iOS

Die Herausforderung

OnniBus is one of Finland's largest transport companies, operation since 2011, and Univio has worked with the company since 2017. During this coopertion, several projects have been completed. They include a rebuilding of the entire IT system architecture, as well as the implementation of the WSO2 intregration platform and a Content Management System.

The most recent join project was a mobile application. One of the biggest challenges in this project was the speed of implementation. That is why we selected React Native.

  • This framework created by Facebook, allows us to design mobile applications using JavaScript on both the iOS and Android platforms
  • This results in one application working on two platforms, with the additional benefit of being difficult to distinguish from native applications
  • At the same time, compared to hybrid technologies, it is faster and provides almost identical performance and user experience to the native version
Bernard Golko
E-commerce / Digital Director Europe

"Mit der neuen mobilen App der Univio können wir eine führende Position und einen Wettbewerbsvorteil auf dem Transportmarkt aufbauen. Die Univio hat sich erneut als zuverlässiger Partner im Bereich Beratung und Technologieauswahl sowie in der Implementierung selbst erwiesen."

Die Lösung

  • The OnniBus mobile application performs most of its functions through communication with the field system responsible for route management and ticket sales, downloading data on cities, connections between them, fares or selectable bookings.
  • All client applications, e.g. web application, mobile application, external agents, etc., are connected to a set of services that enable the performance of business operations, such as: searching for connections, or the purchasing and management of tickets.
  • System security is provided by WSO2 API Manager technology, responsible for verifying clients/applications connecting to the API. It creates a so-called proxy, rejecting connections from unauthorized devices.
  • There is an additional integration layer between the API Manager and the base system there is an additional integration layer - WSO2 ESB - which allows the modification of both requests and responses from the API.
  • It also allows you to select a ticket, change seat reservation or purchase a ticket for the selected route.
  • In addition to the doman system, the application also connects to the Przelewy24 system, which allows passengers to register credit cards, while the application calculates fees for the purchase of the selected ticket.
  • Customers also have access to purchased tickets offline when an internet connection is unavailble.

Das Ergebnis

Time & Cost Savings of Application Development
Effort, time and cost savings by developing mobile applications on many platforms at once.
Consistent Code for Android and iOS
Instead of separate versions for iOS and Android applications - and one development team.
Fast & Efficient Process of Making Changes in the Application
Changes are made in one code, which supports two platforms.
Native Application Experience
Only the components responsible for the user's appearance and actions differ, depending on the operating system used by the client.
Efficient Application Testing
Efficient and fully controlled versioning and testing of applications via the Fabric platform.
Consistent System Analytics
Consistent analytics on Android and iOS with Firebase
Anna Chorzelewska
Digital Products Manager, Souter Holdings Poland

"Während der Implementierung des Projekts reagierte die Univio schnell und effizient auf Designänderungen. Gleichzeitig stand uns das Implementierungsteam praktisch rund um die Uhr für Beratung und Planungen zur Verfügung."

Die Technologien
/ Hinter den Lösungen

Benutzerdefiniertes CMS und vollständige IT-Systemintegration für einfachere Verwaltung und Wartung


Wir haben ein CMS implementiert, das den schnell ändernden Geschäftsbedürfnissen entspricht.

<integration.provided>  <costs.decreased>  <speed.increased> 

Anzahl der betriebenen Routen in 3 Jahren um 183 % erhöht


Ziel des Projekts war es, eine bestehende Lösung, die von einem früheren IT-Anbieter geliefert wurde, zu verbessern und weiterzuentwickeln.

<geschäft.stabilisiert>  <datenbanken.integriert>  <risiken.vermieden> 

[EN] New Ticket Channel with 2,500+ Points of Sale


Dedicated system for chain of convenience stores equipped with POS - ticket machines enabling customers to purchase bus tickets.

<access.multiplied>  <strategy.planned>  <usability.optimized> 

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