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Blog Posts / Systems Integration


Talend – a Solution Worth Consideration

Systems Integration

The wide array of products from Talend – a data integration leader – has been geared towards offering uniqueness, completeness and clarity of data gathered by the organization. The range of Talend solutions helps companies to transform towards data-driven organizations, i.e. to a state in which decisions are made based on credible and reliable...


IT System Integration – Meet the Challenges of Digital Transformation!

Systems Integration

According to the Gartner report “2016 CEO Survey: The Year of Digital Tenacity,” half of the CEOs surveyed anticipate digital transformation and assume that their industry will change beyond recognition during the next 5 years. Understanding this problem translates to the fact that, increasingly often, care of the “digital“ area of the company is...


Why Your Company Needs Stream Processing

Systems Integration

In recent years, an increasing number of organizations have begun to feel the need to respond quickly to the flow of IT data. Stream processing of data in the system can fulfill this requirement. From this article you will learn: the business application of stream processing. what stream processing is and how it works. what’s on offer from the...


Data Integration in the Logistics and Transport Industry

Systems Integration

The rapid development of e-commerce forces the transport, forwarding and logistics industry to quickly introduce new technologies to internal systems. To create a flexible architecture that will be adapted to continuous expansion and smooth exchange of data, it would be a good idea to integrate IT systems. Integration plays a vital role in communication...


6 Steps to Implement API Economy

Systems Integration

A few years ago, the notion of “API commercialization” was unclear and vague. Hardly any company grew its profitability by means of providing API. Today, it is common knowledge that the data held in-house and internal services are valuable and can generate returns. This applies not only to the internet industry companies but to every big organization....


IT Architecture Integration – SOA Model With a Dedicated Integration Layer

Systems Integration

The model with a dedicated integration layer is an alternative way of SOA implementation. Read this post to find out: the strengths and capabilities of this solution the weaknesses and limitations that you’ll have to deal with when to use SOA with a dedicated integration layer SOA with a dedicated integration layer in the services area has similar...


IT Architecture Integration – SOA Model in Direct Communication

Systems Integration

The model based on creating services without the use of a dedicated integration layer is one of the many ways to implement the concept of building a Service Oriented Architecture. Read this post to find out: the strengths and capabilities of this solution the potential and weaknesses of the solution when it makes sense to consider the SOA scenario...


IT architecture integration based on API-led Connectivity

Systems Integration

API-led connectivity is a concept based on connecting data between systems through reusable and purposeful APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). This connection is a method of delivering services within the meaning of Service-orientated Architecture (SOA). Read this article to find out: the nature of this integration model how this model is different...


PSD2. How should banks prepare their IT architecture?

Systems Integration

Early 2018 will see the EU’s Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) enter into force, which will apply to all Member States. The changes introduced by PSD2 will require customer-account holding institutions to take appropriate actions. Banking institutions will need to quickly adapt their IT architecture to meet the new requirements, while also...

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