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Blog Posts / Product Information Management


Solving the 6 Biggest Challenges in the Furniture Sector


Unless you’re reading this from the far future, we don’t need to tell you that 2023 is not without its share of hurdles. The many problems of 2022 still continue, and even long standing, traditional sectors like the furniture industry are feeling the pressure. In such times, there is no one simple answer, as the challenges are unique and...


Multilingual Customer Experience / Time to Assess Your Touchpoints 


Communication is important to any business. At some point, you have to be able to talk to your customers.   But are you and your customers talking the same language? We live in a multicultural world and, unless your business specifically targets an island tribe that hasn’t encountered civilization, have you overlooked a potential new revenue...


Digitalization for the Furniture Market / Get Ahead!


Digital transformation of commerce is one of the most important challenges that the furniture industry is going to face in the short term. Although people still like to buy furniture in-store, we can’t help but notice the growing interest in online shopping in this sector. Digital transformation involves a series of changes affecting every nook and corner...


Top 10 Sales Development Trends / Furniture Industry


For the furniture industry, the optimization of various sales channels both online and offline, is of critical importance. 2023 is a good time to put certain areas and processes in order, plan support activities, and develop e-commerce sales. To help you prepare for future growth, take advantage of upcoming opportunities and anticipate challenges, we...

E-Commerce Development in 2023 – Trends and Expert Tips

E-Commerce Development in 2023 / Trends and Expert Tips


Due to the anticipated crisis, 2023 will be a tough year, which will undoubtedly affect the operations of many companies. After the difficult two-year pandemic, which disorganized or even crushed many businesses around the world, we will probably face such challenges as rampant inflation, energy problems and disrupted supply chains. The economic and...


Why Do You Need a PIM System in Your E-business?

Product Information Management

*Note: this blogpost was written by our friends at Ergonode in support of Commerce Days Transformation 2022. Check them both out! 👍 The implementation of a PIM system is a way to keep ahead of the competition in the future. With the expansion of the retail and e-commerce businesses, and the growing amount of product data to be managed, the...


Pimcore vs Akeneo / The Best PIM Software?

Product Information Management

E-commerce and retail companies sell products – and each product has a wealth of information that needs to be maintained. These days, Product Information Management tools are plentiful. We’re not going to tell you what they do – the clue’s in the name and we already covered it 😉 – but advise you on the next step: how to...


A Single Source of Truth / A Key Way To Eliminate Technical Debt


Repetition, inaccuracy and inconsistencies are issues every business wants to avoid. They’re also typical signs of poorly chosen – or poorly used – technologies. When used right, good technology can eliminate unnecessary repetition, ensure greater consistency and generally improve results over all. At the core of this is often the concept of “A...


PIM vs CMS / Why Use PIM?


For most businesses, a typical content management system (including traditional and headless CMS versions) will answer all essential needs – landing pages, home pages, contact details etc – with little effort. With e-commerce operations however, there are additional needs we need to consider: products. In fact, that’s an oversimplification. With...


Headless Commerce Benefits / The Inevitable Direction


We’ve talked a lot about headless. We’ve also talked a lot about e-commerce. We like to talk so – what if we throw these two topics together?   Headless commerce is a very logical conclusion – and the wider industry seems to agree. Some of you already know this but for those that don’t, we wanted to give a handy primer to...

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