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Blog Posts / Data Analytics & Machine Learning


Personalization in E-Commerce / The Basics


When talking face to face, personalization often happens at unconscious level. Interacts are smooth, adapted on the fly to suit the customer’s needs. Shop assistants can guide people to where they need to be and, when it comes to homing in on exactly what someone wants, it’s the fundamental secret to any good salesperson. But online? We must adapt....


QlikSense vs Power BI / A Not So Unbiased BI Software Comparison

Power BI

The Business Intelligence market is vast – there are many options and it’s estimated that no one solution owns more than 20% of the market. In other words, there’s no clear winner – but are there losers? Well, as the title suggests, we want to use this space to talk about QlikSense vs Power BI (the former being the...


E-Commerce Data / 13 Vital Statistics to Track


How do you measure success? It’s not a trick question. With an online business such as e-commerce stores, there’s a whole wealth of information to draw insights from. However, at the same time, it’s easy to get lost in the multitude of data, statistics, tables and charts. That’s why we want to guide through the most essential statistics: what...


Data Integration From Multiple Sources in Power BI

Power BI

Depending on how mature your business is, you might find it necessary to set up a data storage tool. The most common motivation to implement a database is the need to put in order the constantly growing number of business-relevant information from a large number of sources. A well-designed database ensures coherence and integrity of the information it...

Updated: 12.01.2022

Power BI Essentials: Costs, Deployments & More

Power BI

A good solution saves you more than just money. It saves you time, stress and inefficient results. The inverse is also absolutely true: poor technology consumes your time, increases stress and doesn’t deliver effective benefits. Power BI fits into the definitions of a good solution. As a business intelligence tool, you need to consider the...


Data Security in Power BI – Users’ Roles and Permissions

Power BI

In Power BI, we can store data encompassing an entire enterprise. You can create workspaces, applications and dashboards with information from individual units of the company, e.g. Controlling, Sales or Production. It is possible to establish connections with many data sources with different structures, which, following transformations, can be imported...

Updated: 01.02.2022

Filters vs Slicers – Which Is a Better Choice When Designing Reports in Power BI?

Power BI

Power BI is developing dynamically and is improving shared tools for data visualization. Older features are being “refreshed”, presenting themselves in a new, sometimes quite different form. In the article below, we’ll look at the filtering mechanism that some time ago replaced the old filter cards available from different levels (visual, page, and...


Models for Efficient Implementation of Power BI

Power BI

A dynamically developing system Power BI is currently one of the most popular self-service Business Intelligence systems. One source of its popularity is very intensive development. Every month, a new list of functions appears. Microsoft releases more functionalities of the product. You can read about them on the blog of the service: Members can learn...


Power BI – A New Way to Implement Business Intelligence in Your Organization

Data Analytics & Machine Learning

If you are considering implementation of a Business Intelligence solution, you should definitely look at what is offered by Microsoft, an active player in this market. Although I’ll start today’s post with a brief description of Microsoft’s two most popular BI methods, later on I’ll focus only on the Power BI solution, and point to its most...

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