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Blog Posts / B2B E‑Commerce


Selling in B2B / A New Role for IT Directors


If you’re an IT Director, you’ve probably had a lot of change recently. More so, in the B2B sector, these ripples seem to keep on coming – your role looks very different from a year or two ago.   Repetitive tasks, a nice orderly schedule and emergency-free weeks have gone out the window. Now, digital transformation is more important than...


Headless Commerce Benefits / The Inevitable Direction


We’ve talked a lot about headless. We’ve also talked a lot about e-commerce. We like to talk so – what if we throw these two topics together?   Headless commerce is a very logical conclusion – and the wider industry seems to agree. Some of you already know this but for those that don’t, we wanted to give a handy primer to...


Mobile-First E-Commerce / An Option or a Must?


Mobile is arguably the most important channel for e-commerce stores to invest in. It’s continually competing with traditional desktop browsers for user engagement and the current state of mobile technology is such that a genuine shopping experience is very possible.  Or in other words: it’s no longer an excuse to say the mobile audience isn’t...


Selling in B2B / Lessons Learned From B2C


E-commerce is booming: that’s no secret. What is worth highlighting, however is the sudden B2B e-commerce growth that’s often lost in the wider story. An industry that typically relied on in-person sales is now relying on digital sales more than ever.  While they may be ‘behind’ compared to B2C, this is also means B2B online...

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