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Blog Posts / Omnichannel


21 Steps for E-commerce Optimization


In today’s digital age, e-commerce optimization is essential for businesses striving to stay competitive in the online marketplace. E-commerce optimization involves enhancing various aspects of your online store to improve user experience, boost sales, and maximize profitability. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into key strategies for...


Recommerce / The Importance of Pre-owned Goods on the Broader Retail Market


In the past year or two, recommerce has grown immensely in popularity. With difficult economic situations, consumers are looking to resell and buy existing goods in order to save money. This in turn impacts direct sales, further encouraging existing retailers to enter the recommerce market. In this article, we want to explore the essentials of all things...

Rozwiązania omnichannel

Maximizing Customer Engagement: Proven Omnichannel Solutions for Today’s Businesses


Ever wondered how to be present and consistent across all customer interaction points? Omnichannel retail solutions tie together your online and offline presence, ensuring a seamless and personalized customer experience that is no longer optional but essential. This article provides a deep dive into how these solutions work, their importance in today’s...

Omnichannel challenges

Omnichannel Challenges / Overcome the Common Hurdles


The concept of omnichannel is probably well known to anyone involved in e-commerce and online sales. Unfortunately, implementing this model is not always easy and brings a number of different omnichannel challenges for retailers that make the model not always work as expected. Channels may be inefficiently integrated, processes may not all be well thought...


How to Implement Omnichannel Strategy in Your Company


There is a lot of talk about omnichannel strategy, but when it comes to the practical implementation of this sales model, the matter is not so simple anymore. Companies face a number of technology and process challenges that they must overcome in order to orchestrate the elements of an omnichannel strategy into a cohesive shopping experience. Achieving...

Omnichannel Retail

Omnichannel Retail – Everything You Should Know 


Imagine walking into a retail wonderland where every path leads to a personalized shopping adventure, tailored to your every whim and fancy. This isn’t a fantasy; it’s the reality of today’s omnichannel retail world, where customers are like explorers, charting their own unique courses through a myriad of buying channels. Each...

Strategia omnichannel w branży RTV/AGD

An Omnichannel Strategy for the Home Appliances and Consumer Electronics Distribution Sector 


The distribution of home appliances and consumer electronics is an extremely competitive market. For one thing, Polish customers are among the most price-sensitive customers in the world. For another, their expectations regarding the product offering, service and complementary services are growing. How to win customer loyalty when competing on price alone...

Updated: 20.12.2023

Behind the Scenes of Omnichannel Integration


Omnichannel is becoming increasingly popular among businesses, including those in the B2B sector. The benefits of the omnichannel approach are undeniable – happier, loyal customers and more sales. But how does an omnichannel integration actually work? What is its foundation? Which tools should be used? What do you need to consider when implementing these...


The State of Omnichannel in 2023 


How many channels must a customer walk down before you can call him a customer? With apologies to Bob Dylan, we still think it’s a valid question.  Omnichannel is arguably one of the most used buzzwords. The number of channels has exploded in the last few years. Yet, while every business has, at some point, described themselves as omnichannel,...

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