Blog Posts / General

How to Conduct Digital Transformation in Industry
The approach to running a business is changing continuously. Today, digital solutions are at the top. This can be seen in almost every industry. Companies change business models, redefine their products and change the way they communicate with customers. We are witnessing a digital transformation. The Polish economy is entering the next phase – the fourth...

Quality Assurance vs Quality Control
So much has been written about Quality Assurance that we should ask ourselves if we haven’t lost our understanding of this term. I can’t resist the assumption that each IT project is said to have an elite Quality Assurance unit, composed of software testers only, responsible for ensuring software quality in the project. In addition, HR units only add...

Agile: What’s Next? A Short Guide for Those Starting a Project in the Agile Methodology. Part 3
In previous articles, we mentioned contrasting approaches to Agile methodology, identifying and delivering on the values of a project. In the final part of this series of articles on Agile, you will learn: How does the Scrum methodology drive the team’s work? Which elements of a project should you focus on when working in Scrum? Scrum is a real...

Agile: What Next? Or a Short Guide for Those Who Are About to Do an Agile Project, Part 2
In the previous article, we mentioned contrasting approaches to Agile and the conditions to be met to increase efficiency and cut workloads. This second part of the series will tell you: How to identify values in a project? How to check if you deliver on the identified values? Why you shouldn’t limit project implementation methods? With the Agile...

So You Want to Be Agile? A Beginner’s Guide to Agile Project Management. Part 1
In an age of rapid technological progress, more and more companies are deciding to employ Agile methodologies to improve project management. Agile allows them to find ways to complete a project while not exceeding its budget and to develop solutions meeting the needs of their clients. We prepared a series of articles about Agile project management to...

Team Cooperation and the Quality of Work – From the Tester’s Point of View
No one needs to be convinced about the importance of cooperation and proper flow of information in a team. Communication is among the key factors influencing the quality of work, which is a strong determinant of a project’s success or failure. This article will tell you: about the kinds of communication problems that teams may encounter about the key...

Quality Management in IT – Matching the Quality to the Stage of the Organization’s Development
Imagine at the initial stage of a project analysis, your colleague asks you what quality you expect. You most likely say right away: “the highest quality!” And this would not surprise anyone. Is it, however, the best possible answer? Do you always want the sweetest cookie, or the fastest car? This article will tell you: what quality is how...

What you need to know about risk management in agile methodologies
There’s no such thing as a risk-free project. According to the statistics quoted by the Project Management Magazine, more than half of all projects, especially large ones, fail. Many ambitious projects are not completed on time or budget. Doubtlessly, one of the reasons for this is insufficient or indeed no attention paid to the identification,...

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