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Blog Posts / Artificial Intelligence


Machine Learning and Customer Segmentation / Meet the Perfect Couple 

Artificial Intelligence

The rapid technology development is revolutionizing almost every area of business operations, including customer segmentation. Machine learning hand in hand with AI is emerging as one of the most interesting trends, transforming the way in which you can segment and, consequently, successfully reach your customers. You’re about to see how machine...


Data Science for Retail / A Guide with Use Cases

Artificial Intelligence

Imagine a mid-sized supermarket in a world without customer analytics tools. Every customer who enters the store remains a mystery. His or her expectations, interests, needs, and past purchases are unknown. The owner must rely on intuition and their gut feeling to guess which products to place on the shelves, which promotions to run, and how to serve the...


AI in Business / Most Common Myths Debunked

Artificial Intelligence

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly prevalent in the business world, there are many myths and misconceptions that have emerged around this technology. Some of these myths can be harmful to businesses, as they may discourage the adoption of AI or lead to poor decision-making. So let’s debunk some of the most common myths of artificial...


How to Use AI in Business / A Practical Guide

Artificial Intelligence

Over the past few months, the number of AI-based tools and systems has exploded. More and more people are talking about using AI in business. However, the common narrative suggests that artificial intelligence technology is some kind of magic that solves all problems on its own, or a way to generate cool pictures. Managers and business owners have a...

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