Solution: Managed Cloud Services Industry: Real Estate

Migration to AWS Cloud and Website Maintenance

Successful Migration To The AWS Cloud
Ensured Continuity Of Systems
Efficient Operation of Applications

The Challenge is an internet portal integrating all segments of the housing market on one digital platform. The portal brings together both buyers and owners of property, as well as developers, tenants, brokerage agencies, banks financing the purchase of apartments and design service entities. is visited by an average of over 1.4 million users per month, who generate over 4 million page views (2020), making it one of the market leaders in real estate classifieds.

The main need for was to find a new infrastructure provider and team able to quickly migrate the systems and then support the internal development team with system maintenance and DevOps activities.

  • Ending support from the previous vendor –with a very short migration lead time.
  • Quick verification of technical capabilities for migrating legacy systems to the Amazon Web Services cloud.
  • Working with large technological debt in the migrated systems.
  • The system’s large file repository has over 87 million graphics and illustrative ads.
  • Poorly documented systems.
Jerzy Papierz
Chairman of the Board

"Moving to the AWS cloud has given us a real opportunity to work completely remotely during the COVID-19 outbreak. The flexibility of the cloud gives us the possibility to quickly and seamlessly adapt our solution to current business needs."

The Solution

  • We moved environments to AWS in a configuration as close as possible to the existing on-premise set-up.
  • We optimized the resources of each server based on the load statistics (CPU, RAM, Disk, LAN) of the current environments.
  • After the initial migration, we used selected services managed by AWS; in particular, we replaced the previously supported MSSQL database with Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for an SQL Server.
  • We implemented security solutions based on AWS Shield and AWS WAF services.
  • We provided knowledge transfer and architectural support for the internal IT team, advised on the selection of specific services and decided on the best tools together.
  • We also consulted the solution with AWS architects, we implemented data storage architecture appropriate for the number of files.
  • After the migration was completed, we covered the system with constant monitoring, alongside regular reviews and optimization work.

The Result

Cloud Transformation
Successful migration to the AWS cloud
Ensured Continuity Of System Operation
The switching of systems took place had no noticeable impact for users.
Efficient Operation Of Applications With a Large Number Of Graphics
Organization of data conducive to the efficient operation of applications
Knowledge Transfer To Internal IT Team
Transferred knowledge of system maintenance and DevOps activities.
System Development
Legacy systems are starting to be refactored to native AWS services.
Sławomir Cichoń
Head of IT

"Univio has a skilled team of engineers. Obstacles are not roadblocks in the solution development process. During the preparation of the solution, we got to know each other’s competences. Problem solving is based on cooperation. Univio’s team supports us in maintaining the system, offering help in designing new functionalities, and suggesting solutions that best fit AWS architecture."

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