
Unity Group changes name to Univio – a new chapter in the company’s history 

  • The name change to Univio is part of the company’s international expansion strategy, currently focused on the DACH market, and in the future on other European markets.  
  • The consolidation of the brands under the new name prepares the company for future acquisitions and further growth in prospective areas.  
  • Univio is a new name, but the company values remain the same: modernity, innovation and continuous delivery of superior value to customers.  

Unity Group, one of the leading Polish companies in digital commerce transformation and e-commerce solutions, announces a name change to Univio. This step is not only a brand refresh , but also an expression of the company’s drive for further growth in international markets and another step on the way to building its position as a European leader in modern technology. 

Investment in the future and consolidation 

The renaming to Univio is a strategic move to support the company’s long-term growth in international markets and is part of a process of brand consolidation following recent acquisitions. “The decision to change the name is an important part of our strategy, aimed not only to secure the brand in foreign markets, but also to prepare the company for its next steps in the M&A area. The new name is a symbol of new strength, reflecting our ambition to develop dynamically in the coming years and to be open to new opportunities.” says Grzegorz Kuczynski, one of the founders and CEO of Univio (formerly Unity Group). 

With the new name, the company is focused on the full integration of the companies and teams that had joined in recent years, such as Global4Net and AllWins, which will enable even more efficient use of resources and synergies within the organization. The consolidation of the brands under the new Univio brand is a natural step in the process of building a coherent structure that will enable the company to better adapt to the specifics of prospective markets, secure the brand and minimize potential risks to the company’s dynamic growth. Univio was this year’s winner of the prestigious Best Managed Companies competition organized by Deloitte, which confirms that the strategy adopted by the company is working and offers excellent prospects for further growth. 

“Our focus is on organic growth, which remains a priority in the company’s strategy. This includes both improving existing competencies and expanding our service portfolio to better meet customer needs. At the same time, the company intends to remain active in the area of mergers and acquisitions, identifying and integrating valuable players that can strengthen its position in the market. The combination of organic growth and capital investment will allow Univio to scale its operations, innovate and build its position as a leader in the digital commerce transformation in European markets.” – emphasizes Marek Lose, one of the Univio’s founders.  

Positive outlook: growth in international markets and strategic partnerships 

The renaming to to Univio is an important step in the company’s international expansion, which is currently focused on the DACH market (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) and will include other European regions in the future. “Univio is a brand that will allow us to grow rapidly in foreign markets, where we see significant growth opportunities. The new name will enable us to create lasting recognition for the company outside of Poland – it will be an element that will support business development and cooperation with international customers and partners.” – emphasizes Dominik Janes, Managing Partner of Univio, responsible for international development.  

In addition to strengthening its position in foreign markets, the company plans to develop strategic partnerships that are key to further growth. “We put great emphasis on cooperation with leading technology and business partners, which will allow us to further integrate our offer and provide comprehensive solutions to customers in Europe. We are already working on interesting projects with our foreign partners and we are ready for new challenges.”, added Janes.  

Univio’s founders see great potential in international operations and are confident that the market will accelerate significantly next year. Steps are already being taken to prepare for these changes and to secure the brand. Therefore, it has been decided to consolidate brands and to register a new company name in the European market. As a result, the organization is fully prepared for further dynamic expansion. 

New name, same values  

Univio is a company with a modern approach to business, committed to innovation and focused on providing the highest quality services. “The new name symbolizes our ongoing commitment to implementing the latest technologies and adapting to changing market needs. We want Univio to be associated with innovative solutions and the future of the IT industry.” – says Grzegorz Rudno-Rudzinski, one of the founders of Univio.   

The name is changed, but the company’s values remain the same. Quite the opposite, the new name underscores the company’s aspirations to continue to grow as a leader in digital transformation and to provide customers with solutions that help them succeed. In addition to its core e-commerce business, the foundation of the company’s growth strategy is to expand in such areas as consulting and artificial intelligence (AI).    

Univio remains true to its fundamental values, which have always prioritized growth, commitment and collaboration. The new name is not only a refresh of company’s image, but also an impulse to strengthen its organizational culture, which is based on trust and the pursuit of common goals.  

The company is committed to continued growth based on progressive practices. As an organization, Univio focuses on the autonomy of its teams. This is reflected in several ways, including the decentralization of decisions, flexible structures and a “Team-of-Teams” approach that fosters innovation and rapid adaptation to market changes.   

For Univio employees, the name change is also an important moment to support the organization’s continued growth. “Our priority is to create an environment where every employee can grow and contribute to innovative projects. The new brand identity gives us all new opportunities and motivates us to continue building the company’s future together.” – emphasizes Grzegorz Kuczynski.  

Univo intends to continue its commitment  to build a progressive organizational culture and delivering comprehensive, modern services responding to growing market needs and enabling customers to compete effectively in a rapidly changing digital environment. 

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