Solution: Product Information Management (PIM) Industry: Retail

Preparing a PIM for a Retail Chain in the Computer Industry

Systems Integration
Consistent Data Across Multiple Channels
Faster Error Elimination

The Challenge

Based in Germany and established in 2003, this prominent supplier of computer products and accessories has been a stalwart presence in the European market. Through online platforms spanning multiple countries, they offer a diverse array of products, numbering tens of thousands, sourced from esteemed manufacturers. Their extensive reach extends to over 2 million customers across both B2B and B2C sectors.

The number of products in all online stores continues to grow, and the base of partners and producers continues to expand. Therefore, the client saw the need to integrate product information and prepare a single repository of consistent data and turned to Univio with this urgent need.

  • The client also wanted to relieve their e-commerce systems of the need to complete product data via the implementation of a Product Information Management system.
  • Univio was tasked with developing a way to place the PIM in the systems architecture, perform the necessary integrations, and implement the tool.
  • One of the challenges in the project was to prepare a new, consistent data model to feed the PIM system.
  • It was similarly necessary to properly segregate the data. As it was downloaded from several ERP systems, the task lay in identifying and removing duplicate product information.
  • Our tasks also included preparing the dedicated initial imports.

The Solution

  • The first stage of our work was to conduct workshops to identify the client’s requirements and the architecture of existing systems.
  • In response to the identified needs, we recommended the implementation of the Akeneo PIM system, specifically the Enterprise Edition.
  • Based on the conclusions of the analysis, we prepared the concept of the target architecture, as well as the final shape of the data model.
  • The next step was to develop the design of expected functionalities and algorithms combining products from different ERP systems.
  • We performed the data import using native and dedicated solutions. As a result of these actions, product information, categories, dictionaries, and more were all downloaded.
  • A distinctive feature of the project is the ability to consolidate data based on algorithms. The system combines duplicate products from different ERP systems, and then enables erroneous or repetitive information to be corrected. A dedicated panel has also been provided for users to register duplicates.
  • The PIM tool will be the sole source of product information for the client’s upcoming online stores. Akeneo can handle very extensive offers, with multiple indexes, as well as many categories and attributes.

The Result

Systems Integrations
The execution of the initial imports and the ability to integrate PIM with ERP systems enables data to be extracted and shared across sales channels.
Single Source of Truth
Data from multiple sources is available from a single repository. PIM provides a fully integrated and real-time updated database of product information.
Faster Error Eliminations
Identifying duplications and fixing errors is carried out through a special panel, either manually or automatically.
Complete Data Model
The developed model responds to all of the client’s needs and various data sources.
Consistent Data Across Multiple Channels
Product data is automatically updated, making it consistent, regardless of the channel in which it is presented.
Full Control of Data
The Akeneo system is adapted to process information in various formats, such as images, SKU data, product descriptions, and technical data.
Efficient Product Data Management
The new solution has optimized the process for managing over 50,000 indices.
Intuitive Management Panel
All product data can be seamlessly managed with convenient navigation and clear user panel architecture.
Content Tailored for Specific Channels
Product descriptions can be easily prepared for different audiences.

The Technologies
/ Behind Solutions

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